Strikeforce and Showtime agree new contract?

Over the past year, a UGer with the screen name Hammers Hamill has posted some accurate predictions and news. Debate continues as to whether he is an internet troll.carefully following the rumors thrown up by, well, internet trolls, or, a well placed anonymous source in a position of industry influence?

In his latests post, he covers Strikeforce and he said..


Business as usual for strikeforce has been agreed… The sticking point was the money for the licensing of the show as showtime thought the value was lost with the pilaging of the product showtime has reupped for 2 years at a reduced rate and has been reassured ufc fighters will be sent there and a rebuilding of all the division and the show will be more of a feeder league b team show… Showtime got a deal on the product and strikeforce lives on…

M1 Global has been shown the door as they have not been picked up for a renewal…

a return to columbus in march and a bigger focus on womans mma and maybe even a new weightclass has been discussed…

sho sports got it at half the value of its last contract for the new licensing deal…..

it will be official next week on the broadcast with annoucments for more cards in 2012 and the date for the strikeforce tourny finals…

There will be a few changes in production for the show sean shelby is hard at work recruiting new talent even talks of some sort of reality type content for strikeforce time will tell showtime is serious about mma..

Strikeforce will never be officailly announced as a feeder show it will be branded as a alternative to ufc and will have a different feel but to the true fan it will be considered …

Another reason why there sticking around is zuffa never had enough spots for the whole roster and did not want to cut and lose talent to bellator and other upstarts and wanted to make sure bellator did not capitalize on womans mma and carve there own niche and gain some market share as most of the woman and fighters would have likely ended up there…

Most shows will be done in vegas to save on costs and expendure and bigger shows in the already established markets its more a crawling before they run stragedy…

More at the UG

Owner/Editor of Writer, Podcaster, Producer of 'Notorious: Conor McGregor' film, 'Conor McGregor: Notorious' TV series, 'Ten Thousand Hours', 'The Fighting Irish' and more documentary films.

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